Its an unwritten rule, that if you don't tip at a restaurant, you are nothing but "cheap". 10% of the bill (or cheque) you foot, would be a generous tip. Most of us honour it either here in
swades or in
But what many of us oversee is a baffling 10% service charges that the Indian restaurants charge you by default. This does put you in doubt, whether you would like to tip the waiter.
People around have told me that its not mandatory to tip, as the restaurant has already fleeced you. Sometimes I give in and dont tip and sometime I do. There have been instances when the restaurant has been exceptionally customer oriented and has made your dinner special. I have happily tipped the waiter(s) even when the Service charges were steep.
But when it comes to your regular Pizza joint or run of the mill restaurant, I give it a pass. Shame on me I know, but I dont care. I would prefer to tip a waiter at a regular darshini, where you eat your heartful and feel warm, than at places where you know you have burnt your pockets for nothing.